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Baby Schedules: Month 5

In this Motherhood series, I am sharing the monthly schedules that I used for my youngest son when he was a baby 🙂  My boys are 20 months apart and I was in the #2under2 club – following a general schedule (with flexibility as needed) helped me and my family so much.  Since I loved seeing other mama’s schedules when my babies were little, I am sharing mine here on my blog with you.  Enjoy!

(Check out our monthly schedules for Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, and Month 4!)

Baby Schedules: Month 5

Not a lot of changes since last month 🙂 C was sleeping great and when he would wake up in the morning he just smiled and played with his feet until I got him out of his crib.  Naps 1 and 2 are about 30 minutes later than previous month and were almost always in the crib.  Nap 3 was more of a catnap and usually on the go.  Baby C was drinking pretty big bottles at this point, and we planned to start solids later in the month.  He started rolling both ways as well!

Time Activity
6:30am Wake, new diaper, 8-9 ounce bottle, dress, playtime
9:00am Nap 1
10:30am 8-9 ounce bottle, new diaper, playtime
12:00pm Nap 2
2:30pm 8-9 ounce bottle, new diaper, playtime
4:00pm Nap 3 – carseat nap
6:00 to 6:30pm Bedtime routine: 8-9 ounce bottle, bath, night diaper, footie pajamas and pacifier, snuggle and story, sound machine on, lights off, kisses and crib

Thanks so much for reading about my babe’s Month 5 schedule.  If you have any questions or comments, contact me below and I’d love to chat!  Want to see pretty pics and motivation quotes to brighten up your Instagram feed?  Let’s connect on social media below!

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